How Club Offers works:

Offer Lifecycle:

Step 1: Brand or Agency or a Individual user Create an Offer in any Club with proper details

Step 2: The Creator of the Offer Completes Payment that is stored with BudLinks

Step 3: Then the offer is sent to prospective Influencers who will apply

Step 4: The Creator of the Offer select an influncer of their choice

Step 5: The Influncer post the Creator’s Graphic / Video content and try to get the required reach

Step 6: Required Reach is achieved

Step 7: Payment is made to the Influencer and the Offer is completed

Limitations to the Applicants:

- An influencer can apply only upto 15 offers per day.

- Any influencer can post maximum of 2 Club Offer posts per day in their FollowLinks Feed Posting.

- At any given point of time, maximum of 15 Club Offer Posts can be running under each influencers. The next Club Offer post can be uploaded only once any of the running offer is completed or it has reached 75% of its requested milestone.

- A user can select only 3 categories of interest for receiving the offers that match his categories. The User can’t change the category if he has an offer in ‘applied’ or ‘in-progress’ state. He can withdraw in those categories before chaging it.


- Once the post reached 75% of its milestone, the cost equevalent to achieved % shall be awarded to the Influencer, when the offer is closed after the days agreed.

- Once an influncer posts the Creator's content, the offer can’t be rolled back / cancelled.

- You can reach out to our support team via Messaging “BudLinks Support” in case you need any assistance.